Lake Bloomington

Lake Bloomington Watershe Map

Lake Bloomington Watershed Plan

How to get involved

Lake Bloomington Watershed encompasses approximately 70 square miles, or 43,100 acres in McLean County, IL. 93.2% of the watershed area is row crop agriculture or pasture land. The Village of Towanda and unincorporated community of Merna are located entirely within the Lake Bloomington watershed. The City of Bloomington and Town of Normal are expanding into the southwestern edge of the watershed. Lake Bloomington, built in 1929, serves as the drinking water supply for the City of Bloomington. The lake totals 635 acres and has 18.5 miles of shoreline.

Numerous partners in this watershed are working to promote conservation practices that address nutrient and sedimentation issues. The City of Bloomington, Pheasants Forever, and the McLean County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) have provided funding and technical support for filter strips. The City has undertaken several erosion control measures around the lake, including concrete blocks and seawall protection, as well as riprap and plantings. The group “Friends of Everbloom” consists of residents of the area that work to enhance access to the lake, and promote habitat through restoration and protection of fish and aquatic species. The group also designs sustainability plans for these ecosystems, and work to enhance public awareness of conservation issues. The Lake Bloomington Watershed Plan was completed in 2008 by the Lake Bloomington Watershed Planning Committee.